Lavender Sensation Bouquet
Elegant bright lavender blooms of lilies, roses, Larkspur and other festive flowers, all gathered into our garden vase with an accent bow. Perfect for any occasion and a sure way to make them smile.
An all-around design, 21” tall. Available in the Metro-Detroit Area Only.
Elegant bright lavender blooms of lilies, roses, Larkspur and other festive flowers, all gathered into our garden vase with an accent bow. Perfect for any occasion and a sure way to make them smile.
An all-around design, 21” tall. Available in the Metro-Detroit Area Only.
Elegant bright lavender blooms of lilies, roses, Larkspur and other festive flowers, all gathered into our garden vase with an accent bow. Perfect for any occasion and a sure way to make them smile.
An all-around design, 21” tall. Available in the Metro-Detroit Area Only.
All prices in USD ($)
As Shown
As Shown - $55.99
Deluxe - $65.99
Premium - $75.99