Hydrangeas, Roses, Tulips
A classic centerpiece in all white.
Hydrangeas, Roses, Stock
White hydrangeas are accented by cream roses and white stock in a lush arrangement.
White Garden Blooms
Greenery gives this arrangement a romantic look!
Bright Yellow Centerpiece
Bright yellow lilies and roses.
Pale Yellow & Cream
Pale yellow stock, yellow roses, & white lisianthus.
Yellow and Green
Yellow roses and lilies with lime green accents.
Green Hydrangea & Orchids
A low arrangement of green flowers.
Cream Roses & Greenery Arrangements
Lush green foliage makes a lasting impact with soft cream roses.
Greenery Garland
Greenery is more than just an accent -- It makes a great centerpiece!
Blue and White Centerpiece
Blue and white hydrangeas with white roses.
Hydrangea and Snapdragons
Blue & white hydrangea with white snapdragons.
Blue Delphinium
Sprigs of delphinium in pastel blue.
Purple, Lavender and Cream
Fresh hydrangea and roses combined with lavender succulents.
Shades of Purple
A multi-level arrangement in shades of purple.
Shades of Lavender
Pretty pastel arrangement of roses and hydrangea.
Soft Pink and Cream
Romantic Hydrangea & Roses
Hot Pink Centerpiece
Lush Hydrangea, Peonies & Roses
Ombre Pinks
Roses in Shades of Pink
Orange, Peach, Cream
A stunning display of hydrangea and roses!
Orange, Coral, Peach
Pretty garden blooms in shades of orange.
Pale Orange and Cream
A pretty arrangement of orange ranunculus and roses!